Frequently Ask Questions


Once shipped, you can simply go to the “Order Tracking” option available on our website.

It takes 48 hours to ship an order. Once shipped, a product should be delivered to you within 5-7 days. However, there might be some delay in delivery due to below mentioned reasons:

If the area where you live is very interior in the region.
Natural calamities like heavy rain, earthquake etc.
Political disturbance, National and Regional holidays etc.

The courier person will call you before delivery only if he cannot find your location with the address shared.

Sorry about this. Delivery time for an order cannot be changed yet.

Sorry, this option is not available yet.

This usually happens when you place an order as a Guest without creating an account on our website. If you first create an account and then place the order, it will reflect under your account. However, you can still track your order status by following the below mentioned step:

Click on SIGN IN ACCOUNT on the top right corner of the website.
Select Track Order
Enter your details

We have you covered! We will call you and confirm your availability and reschedule the delivery for you.

Can I accept the package after checking the contents inside it?
Sorry, as per company policy, a package can’t be opened before delivery is accepted.

But you can accept the package & get in touch with us later in case you have any concerns.

Yes, we’ll make sure that the delivery is re-attempted the next working day if you can’t collect your order the first time.

Cancellations & Returns

You can cancel an order using any of the below mentioned methods:

By contacting us on our helpline number – +91 7363046609 (9 AM – 8 PM).
By writing to us at

It takes 48hrs to cancel the order once the request is received on call.
Request received through mails will be fulfilled within 72hrs.

Of course, a product can be returned but only under the following circumstances:

Product is physically damaged/defective
Varies from the description on the website
Wrong item delivered

Order can be cancel only before dispatch.  Once cancelled, amount will be refunded.

Of course, a product can be returned but only under the following circumstances:

Product is physically damaged/defective
Varies from the description on the website
Wrong item delivered

In case of returning the product, customer needs to inform us within 7 days of receiving the order. In case, if you received a damaged product, it must be reported to us within 48 hours of delivery.
If the product is delivered defective or damaged, in that case, customer needs to inform us through Register email ID and sent it to ( or Call us at +91 7363046609 (Helpline Number) within 48 hours from the time of delivery.
Products should be unused.
All items must be returned in their original condition, with price tags intact, user manual, warranty cards, original accessories and in the original manufacturer’s box/packaging as delivered to you.
Invoice should be available.
Products marked as “non-returnable” on the product detail page cannot be returned.

There are 2 ways to Return the product. One is to return the product from our side where we send the courier partner and get the product picked up from customers. However, in some cases if we cannot provide return service then customer needs to send the product to us. Once, the product is received by us, then we will reverse the courier charges.

Steps to follow to Return a Product

Customer needs to inform us through call/email within 7 days of receiving the order.
Product should be unused.
Invoice should be available.
We will raise a request for Reverse pickup and try to arrange it from our end. Once the pickup is arranged our courier partner will collect the product within 2-5 business days.
Customer needs to pack the product with Brand packing & paste the invoice on it.
Customer will handover the product to the courier boy.
Once the pick up is done, product will be sent to us by the courier partner.
After receiving the product, quality check will be done over the product by our team which takes 48 hours time.

You can get in touch with the brand or an authorised service centre of the brand to claim the warranty for your product if applicable.

Our customer care team will get in touch with you immediately once you request a return.

Shopping & Warranty

Unfortunately, products listed as ‘Out of Stock’ or ‘Temporarily Unavailable’ are not available for sale.

No, It’s not. You can checkout as a guest but you will have to provide us with a valid e-mail, phone number and address for us to send you the goods. charges a minimal fee for orders placed by using COD payment mode. COD charges will be added to your total order amount.

Installation is not offered on any products by Toolgine as of yet but we are working on it.

All products bought on Toolgine come with manufacturer warranty. You can check with the manuals provided with the product or the manufacturer’s website for information about a service centre close to you.

Most service centres accept a proof of purchase( i.e. original invoice ) as proof to provide warranty service. If you face any trouble please contact us for help at

Yes, the warranty for your replacement will be the same as your initial product.

We will have to open the box to seal a warranty card and most consumers don’t accept items if the box has been opened. Hence as a policy we don’t seal on warranty cards. All manufacturers accept the purchase invoice as proof to provide warranty. Please keep it safe.


You can choose to pay for an order with any of the below methods:

Cash on Delivery (Partial)
Net Banking
Visa, MasterCard, Maestro and Rupay Credit or Debit cards issued in India

Yes! You can use your Debit/Credit card or Net-banking to shop on our website

It’s easy & simple to pay using your Credit or Debit card!

1. Keep your card number, expiry date, three-digit CVV number ready (found on the backside of your card)
2. For extra security, you’ll need to use your card’s online password (Verified by Visa, MasterCard SecureCode etc.)

Enter the details when you are prompted to & your order will be successfully placed.

Absolutely! At Toolgine, we use the highest possible security (256-bit encryption) to protect your card details. All credit card and debit card payments with us are also processed through secure and trusted payment gateways which are managed by leading banks. Also, banks now use the 3D Secure password service for online transactions and they provide an extra layer of security through identity verification.

Fraud detection and prevention are very important for us as we want to make sure that all transactions with us are genuine and authorized. We take many steps to keep our customers’ details completely secure.

Online payments are monitored continuously for suspicious activity and some transactions are verified manually if we feel that it’s not authorized by the owner of the card.

When we’re not able to rule fraud out in rare cases, the transaction is kept on hold and we ask the shopper to share ID proof. This is done to make sure that the transaction is genuine.

Toolgine’s EMI scheme is available for HDFC credit card holders only. You may choose to pay in 3, 6, 9 or 12 month instalments. The minimum order value to avail the EMI payment option is Rs 3,000.

There is NO processing fee charged for availing Toolgine’s EMI payment option. On return or exchange, interest charged by the bank till that time will not be refunded by Toolgine.

You may check with the respective bank/issuer on how a cancellation, refund or pre-closure could affect the EMI terms, and what interest charges would be levied on you for the same.

The Bank charges annual interest rates are calculated according to the reducing monthly balance. In the monthly reducing cycle, the principal is reduced with every EMI and the interest is calculated on the balance outstanding.

Once you’ve added the desired items into your cart, proceed to checkout as usual. When prompted to choose a ‘Payment Option’, select EMI. Choose the bank and plan (3, 6, 9 or 12-month) of your choice and enter your credit card details. Once the payment is authorised, your order will be processed and shipped. You will need to pay the total amount, in the pre-determined number of instalments, as per your credit card billing cycles.

The minimum order value to avail the EMI payment option is Rs 3,000.

Please note that the full amount will be charged on your card the day of the transaction. Within 7 days, you will see a credit for the full amount. The first EMI charge will occur subsequently. If your card’s billing date falls within those 7 working days, you need to pay only the EMI amount to the bank. Such EMI transactions are at the discretion of your credit card issuing bank. If you have any queries about the EMI plan, we suggest you get in touch with your bank,

You can write to for your corporate requirements.

Issue still not resolved? Contact us through below channels

Call Us at: 9 AM - 10 PM +91 7363046609

Email Us at: